Just in Time for House Music’s Outdoor Summer Parties!


85 sold towards goal of 500+

Just in time for house music’s outdoor and indoor summer parties comes our $5 Off Sale! We have over 100 unique house music t-shirts, apparel, and accessories. The designs in our inventory were made specifically for the house music community. On sale is 1 of our most popular selling designs the “House Music Cross” on sale in various colors in a crew or v-neck t-shirt.

From its beginning, house music culture has always found a means of expressing itself by way of its own underground styles through music, dance and fashion trends. The popularity of house music’s many genres and its associated culture has emerged from Chicago and New York to reach many different places around the world. Our designs have been created with our vision of contemporary house music fashion.

Rep your love of house music by wearing a house music t-shirt. You’ll make a statement, have others take notice and bring awareness to house music culture.

“Because House Music is a Lifestyle”

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